Envirotek Forestry is an independent forestry consulting firm offering a comprehensive package of forestry services rooted in currently accepted forestry practices.
All services are intended to protect, preserve, and enhance your valuable natural resource in terms of forest health, wildlife habitat, and future timber values.
Envirotek Forestry focuses on incorporating your management goals with the latest available science in sustainable forestry management practices.

Forest Management Plans
A Forest Management Plan is a comprehensive written guide that assist’s you in managing your property with scientifically informed forestry practices.
Envirotek Forestry Specializes in Forest Management Plans.
- Managed Forest Law (MFL) Plans
- Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) Plans
Forest Inventory & Appraisal
A timber appraisal provides and estimated fair market value on the current standing timber present on your property. To acquire the current standing volume present, a systematic survey of your forest will be need to be conducted to collect detailed forest metric information.

GIS Mapping & Remote Sensing
Do you have a need for a map not available in the retail market? Do you want to see your property in its entirety, with landmarks important to you plainly identified, accurately located utilizing GPS on an easy to read map on you android or IOS device? There are numerous data types available that can be render on a customized GIS Map of your property.
Timber Sale Marking & Design
Due to past experiences with indiscriminate logging, some landowners improperly associate forest management with harvesting only large trees. Proper timber harvesting improves tree species composition and productivity, while minimizing impact on wildlife, water, and soils.

Timber Stand Improvement
Timber Stand Improvement (TSI) is a commonly applied term that refers to non-commercial silvicultural manipulation of forest vegetation. TSI includes activities or treatments that improve the composition, structure, condition, health and growth of woodlands.